Hurt Me Daddy
A downloadable game for Windows
/!\ Content non-Warning/!\
This is NOT a kinky game. I'm terribly sorry about that.
Find the download link below this description section anyway!
The "Hurt Me Daddy" project started out as me asking "hey, remember Pain? Yeah, that was fun... wait, what are you doing?! Please put down the whip, I was talking about the PS3 game". I had loads of fun with the game from Idol Minds (now known as Deck Nine) back in the day and wanted to see if I could recreate its core idea in this demo/prototype thing while adding my own spin to it.
So I present to you Moe! Moe Capp. That's his name, I swear. That's what it says on his ID, you can't make that up. Moe is the guy who does ALL the motion capture for ALL the ragdoll bits of every video game ever (at least that's what he claims. Hang on, do these even usually require mo-cap...?) and this means having to put him through all the most dangerous, painful situations possible so the ragdoll moments in your favourite games look the best and as natural and life-like as possible. It's a tough job! I hope it pays well. I'm not paying him, I hope SOMEONE is. Hang in there, Moe!!
So what's YOUR job you ask? Well, today's your lucky day! You get to launch Moe across a set environment full of crates, glass panes, explosives, rotating giant hot-dogs... a suspiciously large sushi, what the heck?! And a smol car. Launch him as hard as you can against the props, just so he can do his ragdoll job, or let him soar through the air, performing majestic tricks along the way, before gravity takes hold of him again and he comes crashing down hard. Want to take the time to admire his beautiful features while he's working his mo-cap-suit-clad butt off? Hit slow-mo mode! I hear it eases his mind while he's hurtling at full speed towards a wall of wooden boxes.
Oh! In case anyone was wondering, I asked Moe what was inside the "?" crates, and he said "the meaning of life. Probably". Thing is, they're unbreakable. Literally. That was way out of scope for this project. Sorry!
(You can view the controls in-game by pressing the Esc key)
Install instructions
-download ze file
-unzip ze file
-double-click ze Hurt Me Daddy.exe
-experiment, enjoy and have all ze fun!
-"Nocturne in E flat major, Op. 9 no.2" (Frédéric Chopin):
-Buzzer SFX:
-Canon SFX:
-Car SFX:
-Car horn SFX:
-Collision SFX:
-Explosion SFX:
-Glass SFX:
-Launch SFX:
-Moe Capp VO:
Me. That's... me (I told you Moe wasn't getting paid, I wasn't lying)
-Punch SFX:
-Tricks SFX:
-Canon 3D model:
-Car 3D model
-Character 3D model and animations:
-Chicken 3D model:
-Crates 3D models:
-Egg 3D model:
-Hot dog 3D model:
-Mace 3D model:
-Sushi 3D model:
-Asphalt texture:
-Union Jack flag texture:
-Audacity audio software:
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